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Nothing's "Wrong" With You

Episode #125

This is a session from the EARLY days of the podcast...despite the imperfections, it's a compelling conversation about labels and empowerment over our own mental health. This episode is a bit triggering- but if you're willing to stick with me after I really irritate you (a little on purpose), you might get something out of the episode. 


Empower yourself with this episode, as I help you let go of the many labels you have given to yourself through the years. We live in a world that tells us if we are not happy, thriving and having a generally "positive" experience in life, that we must not be doing it right. Um, no. Let's get clear on this, so you can feel like the awesome amazing bad ass you are!


**Links and Resources**

FREE DOWNLOAD- Break free from the grips of overthinking, manage stress effectively, and create a more fulfilling life for yourself. To access your free guide, simply click HERE.


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