You Are Free
Speaker 0: You're listening to Takeout therapy of podcasts that you can listen to on the go in twenty minutes or less that will help you learn and grow as a person. You can listen to any episode, anytime, and it will help you. I'm Rebecca, a small town therapist with a passion for teaching about mental health. We just don't have enough education friend, so this is my way of helping me with that problem. Stick with me for the next few minutes and you'll learn something that will help you think about things differently, or manage things better for yourself.
This podcast is authentic. Unedited and without a bunch of ads, always. All I ask is that you pass it along. Please forward an episode to a friend. And if you like my style and you're ready to do some work, I have a couple of fairly inexpensive of online classes.
Back to calm is my class for people who want to feel more peaceful about their lives and themselves. It's great for self exploration, stress education. It's just a self paced online class that teaches you about yourself. Mind, body, and how does self govern your mental health in a present and healthy way? It's a neat class that I made a few years ago, and I'm I'm actually kinda ready to record a couple of new things, so I'm selling it for a really affordable price.
And then I'm going to move on. Join me for a little personal growth journey at rebekah hunter m s w dot com. I'm so glad you're here. Let's get to work. Well, hello there.
Thanks for stopping in today. I'm playing with this idea that I wanted to share with you. So I'll just say that it's unpolished and not perfect. But something keeps coming up in my life and at work too in the therapy office. And it's something about, like, Where are we really free to be ourselves?
Yeah. And the word that keeps coming up for me is sovereignty. And so I just want to spend a few minutes with you today talking about, like, the fact that you're free in many many ways that could really if you could embody this type of freedom that I'm gonna get into, It's a game changer. It has been for me as I continued to work with the idea of sovereignty. So what do I mean by this?
Well, I mean that okay. So every person has a mind And boy, that thing can think. Yeah. And then we have our body and there's a lot going on with that, I'll say. And then we have like this kind of intangible weird part of ourselves that's like our deepest deepest self.
And so many people use the words soul or spirit or I really like to use the word higher self. And this higher self is well, heck. I mean, I don't know what it is, you guys. There's like a hundred and fifty theories about what this thing is, but I like to think of it as like our true essence, who we really are. It's really fun, like, sometimes having this thought of, like, being a baby.
You know, like, Remember when you were a baby? Of course, you don't. I don't either. But do you ever think of yourself as a baby? Like you were just this little tiny human who didn't have any ideas about the world or who you were or who the people in your house were or whatever.
You were just this little essence. Of light and you were probably kinda silly. Right? Have you ever interacted with, like, a little baby who's just figuring out how to play peekaboo and little kids who are very curious and exploratory and so empathic. Right, little kids, that is our true essence.
And I have to say, like, I'm so sorry because life kind of messes that up. Right? People are rude, our siblings are mean, our parents are paying attention or whatever, whatever, whatever. And we start to get ideas about ourselves and our capabilities in the world and other people's relationships with us and all the things. Right?
But can we just focus on that essence, that deep deep highest self in the realm of sovereignty. That's what I really wanna get into for the next couple minutes because I think that life is really hard sometimes and we feel really stuck and we're kinda beat down by the whole thing. And what has been helping me lately? And what I've been sharing in the therapy office is the idea that, like, we're free. We are sovereign beings.
We are our own unique selves. What you feel, your feelings, your emotions, your experience of your life, that is yours. No one can control that. No one can take that from you. You don't have to defend how you feel to other people.
You don't have to waste your time doing that, my friend. Because you're a sovereign being. You get to feel however you wanna feel. You get to believe whatever you want to believe. Because you're free to do so.
No one can take away. What you believe, about yourself, about others, about the world you live in, about your capabilities and on and on. No one gets to control what you believe you're a sovereign being. So if you choose to believe that you're beautiful, well guess what? You're beautiful.
Because you're an amazing, unique, individualized human being. And no one can tell you what to think. Isn't that awesome? Because you're a sovereign being. You get to choose so much inside of you in your deepest deepest self.
And so that's why it's really helpful to be able to access that deepest deepest self. Because that's where our sovereignty is. That's where we can remember Oh, wait a second. I don't have to work for this person that treats me terribly. I don't have to be in this relationship that I don't really wanna be in anymore.
Right? Like, that's where we get to choose. A lot of things, not everything. But we get to choose how to feel and what to think and what to believe. That's our choice.
And if we can just, like, hold on to that piece of sovereignty. Oh, my friend. Things might be a little bit easier. Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about. And kinda talking with people about because I've kind of done defending myself or what I think about things or the way I feel about certain situations.
Like, I'm so over that aren't you? I'm not doing it anymore. I'm just gonna be authentically, transparently myself. And remember my sovereignty every single day. And I hope that for you too.
Let me know how that works out. Will you? Okay. Take good care of yourself. I'll see you soon.
Thank you so much for listening today. I love making this podcast. And here's what I ask in return. We just forward an episode that you really like on to two or three people, you guys. Listen.
If we all do this, we might actually get a little bit closer to living in a fully functioning society. Go to my website at rebekah hunter m s w dot com to see some of my other projects, including online self help classes where I use therapy and coaching techniques to help people with things like overthinking and anxiety, stress, overwhelm, burnout. Yeah. Super helpful. I have a lot of free resources on my website.
And something else that I really like to do is I like to work with companies interested in promoting positive mental health for their employees. I love talking to groups of people. I do it for companies. I do it at retreats. I will literally talk to anybody anytime.
So get in touch. And of course, I have my online and in person private practice. I love my work. Thanks for coming along for the ride. Please tip your waitress on the way out the door.