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Back to Calm: Recovery from Pandemic

Episode #114

It's been a LONG two and a half years during this pandemic, hasn't it?! We have all been through a lot. There are so many difficult emotions that we have felt, but not totally processed, after this situation. Todays' episode will help you to understand why healing from this trauma is so very necessary, and not overly complicated. This session will give you 4 solid actions that you can take to put this beast behind you. As a collective, it's time to heal from what we have experienced. I'm here to help you with that.

If you have interest in working with me to heal from the pandemic in more depth, check out my online class. In the class I teach all about the impacts of traumatic events, and help you heal through in depth practices of self-compassion and mindfulness. Head to to find out more and to take this life changing class. 


**Links and Resources**

FREE DOWNLOAD- Break free from the grips of overthinking, manage stress effectively, and create a more fulfilling life for yourself. To access your free guide, simply click HERE.


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