Everyday Abuse

Episode #84

Abuse. It feels like a dirty word, and yet it's one of the most common dynamics within relationships. Many people are confused about what exactly "qualifies" as abuse. They are wondering if they qualify. Let's have a frank discussion about the dynamics of abusive relationships....for reals. No sugar coating. This episode might be triggering, but it's important education for anyone in relationships. 

Abuse is a direct result of trauma. And thus, we can heal. But abusive dynamics cause poor mental health! So, it's time to get educated! Let's all work together to be our best selves:) 

Because, my friend, this is YOUR life and the choice is all yours. Change is possible.


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Back to Calm Anxiety Program: https://www.rebeccahuntermsw.com/backtocalm

Work With Rebecca: https://www.rebeccahuntermsw.com/work-with-me