Men's Mental Health Part 2

Episode #64

Let’s face it…Men do not always handle life or stress the same as women do, and it baffles us women to no end.

How can we better communicate and connect with one another? What’s up with men?

A lack of understanding leads to disconnection, so my aim with this topic is to help us understand each other better, so we can connect!

In many man-woman dynamics, the deal is the same: issues cause one person (man?) to shut down and the other (woman?) ends up having to chase.

Wait! There’s a better way.

Want to learn how to have a productive argument?

  • Listen
  • Reflect
  • Be patient

This is explained in depth in the episode.

One theme I hear from women a lot in the therapy office is the classic frustration with men’s need for a physical connection where women have more of a need for an emotional connection. The resistance around these differences are typically a result of our cultural conditioning. Women are conditioned to have an understanding that men want something from us, and men are conditioned to view women as wanting more emotional connection. But both kinds of connection are incredibly valid. We all need all of it.

Another thing to be aware of is that men don’t always exhibit the same kinds of symptoms as women do around depression and anxiety. Men tend to internalize while women tend to externalize. Men often do not cry or emit emotion, men tend to get more angry and snappy rather than emotional, they lose interest in their work, family or usual activities, as well as are more likely to overuse alcohol and drugs.

Men and women are very different and in order to connect we need to understand each other more deeply. We need to allow for difference.

I think it’s beautiful that we’re not the same. We can learn a lot about different ways of handling emotion, and how to heal…together. We need to create an emotionally safe environment. Put away the judgement, impatience, confusion or frustration. Let’s hold each other accountable for doing personal growth work.


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