The Comparison Game

Episode #59

Today I’m talking about something we ALL deal with at some level- whether it’s at work or at home. Comparison culture. We are conditioned to compare ourselves to others from the time we are kids. But we are full-fledged, card carrying grown-ups!

You know what?!

Comparison is OUT.

Originality is IN.

Let’s take comparison out of the equation so we can live the life we choose to live. Wouldn’t that be lovely?

When we’re comparing ourselves to others, no matter what we have going on in our lives, we’re always going to be left coming up short. Yawn.

So how do we get out of the comparison game? Today's episode will  give you plenty of strategies.

Whether its parenting, looking for a job, or whatever, we’ve got to stop all of the comparing, because it’s terrible for our mental health…and modeling it for our kids won’t help them either. We need to be our own best cheerleader, selling our amazing capabilities and unique skills. How does that sound for original?!


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