It's Not About You

Episode #49

It’s very natural for us to take things personally. It’s normal brain behavior actually!

Other people’s actions hurt our feelings sometimes. Other people’s behaviors and moods can really throw us off our game. Ever stayed up all night worrying about a conflict you had with someone? This is something that comes up a lot in therapy- so this week’s podcast episode goes on an in-depth exploration of why we take things so personally.

And then of course, I will give you some tips on how to stay in your own lane.

Because here’s the thing … IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU!

When we stop taking everything so personally, we can live our own lives, we can get to know ourselves, and stop thinking so damn much. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Self compassion and confidence are key here!

Want to know how to stop taking things personally?

It requires inquiry- be willing to stop and examine what’s going on:

· What are your thoughts? Check for any assumptions you might be making about others.

· Look for evidence of what you actually know to be true- what’s really happening that you can see and hear? Be objective.

· Create a mantra – a phrase that simply reminds you to stay in your own life: “This is not about me.” Or “I don’t have to prove my worth to anyone.” Or my all time favorite mantra “I’m ok.”

Other people’s thoughts are their business – it’s best to stop spending time there.

Listen to the podcast for more details. I’m here for you!


**Links and Resources**

FREE DOWNLOAD- Break free from the grips of overthinking, manage stress effectively, and create a more fulfilling life for yourself. To access your free guide, simply click HERE.


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