Self-Help Yourself: A How To

Episode #47

Therapists are regular people with regular problems. We fight with our families, get irritated about traffic and get down in the dumps. That’s just life.

The fact is that almost everyone from time to time gets stuck in negative moods. If you are stuck in a rut, following some simple steps of inquiry can help you get unstuck. I will show you how. Self-inquiry is a powerful tool to help us remember our values, regain our composure, and carry on a bit more functionally.

In this episode of the podcast, I am doing self-inquiry work around my utter confusion, anger and irritation during the COVID crisis…but you can use this technique on whatever you need to get unstuck from. The following questions will get you headed in the right direction and can be done in writing (preferred) or in your head. Out loud is another option if you like talking to yourself as much as I do.

For the full (possibly TMI) version of this lesson, listen in as I work my way through a problem in my own life. 

I’m feeling much better after doing my own self helping.

I hope it helps you too!


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