Two Things.mp3
INTRO, then...
Let's dig in. Here's a problem I thought of recently. Everybody wants to know how they can show up in their life and be present. You know, it's only when we're present that we can even do personal growth work to begin with. Right?
You gotta show up. You gotta see what's going on, which is why your friend Rebecca has developed a free resource for you. Available on my website This awesome visual aid will help you figure out how to integrate these super simple little things into your everyday life and I'm telling you they will teach you to be present. This is how it's done.
It's too easy. Anyway, if you want a therapist advice about how to show up in your life and start figuring out what's happening and how you can impact things more positively, head to my website at I'm gonna talk to you. About how two things can be true at the exact same time. Let's ponder this.
Shall we? So you know how when we're grappling with something in our life, we're like, well, this is how it is. And then I think what's kind of annoying is that people always have an opinion No. What about this? Or no.
What about this? And if we don't really like the opinion at all, we might dig our heels in just a tiny bit harder. And go, no to no, it is like this. That is what I said. And then the other thing is that sometimes some problems, we just don't roll them out to everybody and anybody.
So we don't have a lot of perspective except our own, which basically means that we only have our brain to work with. We only have our experience in our history and our level of skills to work with. And darn it all, don't we get stuck in our opinion. Or in our thought about how things are, how people are, how our job is, what is possible for us, where we have to live, what we're meant to do, like, everything. But even I feel like who we have to spend our time with, how we need to spend our time.
Well, we need to believe as parents even if we don't. Right? We get stuck in all these ideas, but the brain really wants to latch onto one. And so a lot of times when I meet up with somebody in the therapy office, they're like, well, this is what I think about this. And sometimes it gets kind of hairy because they basically hired me to present a new perspective.
Actually, That's not exactly what my job is. My job is to help you come up with your own new perspective. Another perspective. Because here's the deal. Two things can be true.
You can wanna be in a relationship with somebody and be completely committed to them and not be able to stand them at the same time. Right? You can be grieving deeply deeply deeply grieving and laughing and enjoying yourself at the same time. Two things can be true. And I feel like this is so important because as humans and has brain carrying organisms, this machine it just likes to latch on.
You know what it likes to do? It likes to know what's up. And the thing my friend is that we don't always know what's up. But the brain wants us to think we do. That makes sense.
But two things can be true at the same time. Meaning, yeah, your boss might be an absolute jerk, and also, you might not be doing the best work. Ryan? It's like your relationship might really, really, really be struggling. And yet you know it will be okay.
There's like all these opposite ideas that in even opposite emotions that if we can just hold them side by side and think about what you're going through in your own life and you can do this. You can just like hold them side by side. And see how that changes things. See if you can bring in a new perspective or a new idea or just allow What else is there to just show up for you around a difficulty that you're having? And see if you can yes and it.
Right? This is something that we teach all the time in the therapy office. It's like, they very difficult skill of saying yes and right And this is a business technique as well when you're in a meeting and you think, like, I cannot leave that moron. Just said that and you say, yes. And also, here's another idea.
Right? Two things can be true at the same time. That's all I want to tell you today. So if you're really stuck, Think how else? Could I look at this?
And of course, if you need help coming up with it, you let me know. Takeouttherapy dot com. I'm here for you. I am having to do this work every single day of my life right now because two things can be true at the same time. For all of us.
Keep up the good work. I'll see you soon. I'm so glad you joined me today, and I hope it was helpful. Always make sure to get the appropriate level of help for your unique situation. Check out the resources at takeout therapy dot com, and hopefully you can find something there.
As always, thanks so much for showing up and doing your work. Which in a way changes the level of emotional development in your community, in your town, maybe even in the world, yeah, it's kind of a big deal. This podcast is intended as education and prevention. Not medical or mental health treatment. See you next time.