Let That $hit Go
Well, hello there. Before I start today's episode, I wanted to give you a little gift because I am a crafty gal. I have made a fun little ebook. Type guide that you can download from my website at takeout therapy.
Because here's the deal. Everybody's all stressed out We're thinking about things we don't wanna be thinking about. We're stressing about things we don't have any control over. And we're having a hard time just putting our phones and computers and iPads and all the things down and just like showing up in our lives. We don't know how to do it.
No one's taught us. And here is the great news. It's a skill set and you can learn. You know, in this guide, I have given you specific instructions, tons of new ideas, and frankly research backed tools, to learn, to master your problem with overthinking, to get rid of unwanted and frankly optional areas of stress and to show up in your life and be present and see what's going on. So that you can get sleep and you can be less worried and you can be more focused on the things that you want to focus on.
Does this interest you? If so, head to my website at takeouttherapy dot com and download my snazzy guide today. Okay. Let's listen to the episode. Well, hello there.
Today's episode is gonna be a short one as I just want to ponder something with you. For years in my therapy office, I've had the same mug. I know. It's kinda gross, but I do wash it. And on the mug, it says, let that shit go.
Let that shit go. I was having a session with somebody a couple weeks ago and they mentioned that one of the phrases that they grew up with was just let them go. And I have been thinking about this and thinking about this. And then the other day, I looked at my mug. And I was like, it's the same thing, and it's something that I struggle with.
Just letting things go. Letting people go. Letting people be how they are, letting situations be how it is and not wasting are life force trying to make things differently. I'm pondering this today because I am a human being and I have things in my life right now that I just need to let go. I need to let go of worrying about things that I don't have any control over.
I need to let go of wishing people were different than they are. I need to let go when other people seem really in a hurry. And then all of a sudden, I'm in the competition with them, and I'm like, I'm not even in a hurry. Go ahead. Right?
It's like all these tiny moments of life where we can get really tossed up with somebody else's junk we gotta let that go. Because what it does to us is it like infects us with something that isn't even ours. One of the phrases that I use a lot in the therapy office is don't get any of that on you. And what I mean is like, you know, kind of from an energetic standpoint, when people are just like, really unpleasant or really aggressive or really grumpy or really negative. And we get drug in by it.
Maybe they say something to us, maybe they make a face at us, or maybe we aren't even part of a situation at all, but we're seeing it from a far, and it bothers us. And we give our energy to that. As opposed to giving it to someone that we care about as opposed to spending time thinking about how we can improve ourselves or our relationship or our parenting. Or instead of spending time going on a walk and just being on a walk. Right?
We are thinking and pondering and scheming and having and basically cultivating all this emotion. Based on things we have no control over. And so my friend today My message is so short and so simple.
Speaker 1: Let that shit go.
Speaker 0: How do you even do it? You say. You'll always say this to me. How do I do that, Rebecca? Well, how do I do that?
I don't know. Sometimes I find that a walk helps. Sometimes I find that turning up the music louder than my thoughts and dancing my face off helps. Sometimes I find making getting involved and making a really nice meal. Like, do generate energy into your own existence is basically my hint for you is, like, however you feel like you can generate your own energy, in your own existence, do that.
Like, spend your life force on things you have control over, which is like, you. Spend your life force on people that you want to be engaged with. That that might not be your mother-in-law at the holidays. Let that go. You see what I'm getting at especially at this time of year when I'm recording this, we're heading on into the holidays where, you know, many people find themselves surrounded by people that don't really make them feel that great.
We all have a little bit of this in their in our lives, don't we? And we can totally get emotionally wrapped up in these situations, in these moments, in these people. But why? What's the point of it? What does it do for us?
Barely anything, maybe nothing. Maybe, it even has a negative impact. Right? When your mother-in-law said that thing that really irritated you and you stood on it for three weeks, you think she was affected like that? No.
Absolutely not. So today, my gift for you in this holiday season is let that shit go. Try to. Try to let it go. Sometimes I use mantra work here, which I teach in every class I ever teach.
Which is basically that idea of, like, when you notice that you're not letting it go, begin again. And market with a phrase. I'm choosing not to think about this anymore. I'm choosing not to give any more of my life force energy to somebody else's madness. Right?
Or you can go back to my old winning phrase that is simple and means literally everything and it's okay. I'm okay. That's my mantra. It's okay. I'm okay.
It refocuses me on what I'm looking for, what I'm going for, how I wanna be and what I have control over. And that my friend is my holiday gift to you. Just let them go. It's okay. Does that mean we need to ditch every person that hacks us off?
No. It just means we don't have to engage in the parts of their existence. That feel, like, unpleasant or unkind or something that we don't want to engage in. The fact of the matter is we have choice. We get to choose.
We have to know what's good for us. If we wanna feel our best, we have to take care of our hearts and our minds and our souls and that means cleaning up the mental mess. And how do we do that? We got a lot of stuff go. We gotta practice it.
We have to teach our brains to do it. We have to teach our bodies to do it. Breathing helps. Breathing really helps. So that's all I have for you today.
Just a little pep talk as we head into this season of the year where people find that a lot of stuff gets on the nerves. The stress level kinda ratchets up a little bit and perhaps our emotional regulation isn't where it needs to be or isn't where it typically is. And so give yourself a little more space by letting go of some of the things that really just aren't yours to worry about. Right? Other people's stuff is their stuff.
There's no need for us to sit around trying to figure out how they can be better. How about we just concentrate on how we can do better? How we can feel better? How we can better love and care for ourselves? That's what I'm here to do.
Let me know if this helped.